A heartbreaking incident has occurred at the Astroworld festival. At least 8 people died and many were injured. What is the reason and who to blame?.
Festival like this always create many problems like people losing their lives and getting injured. The reason why people died and were injured at the Astro festival is due to lack of space and getting trampled in the concert. There were 50,000 people at the festival and likewise the space was not quite enough for it.
Victims are stating that they had a hard time breathing because of the lack of space.
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Who to Blame?
I think this could have been avoided if the organizer did something at that time and Travis Scott could have stopped the show. I mean you could see videos on Youtube people were literally saying to stop the show and people were fainting in front of him but he didn't take any action. Many people are defending him, but I think a part of the incident we should also blame him. The Organizer of the festival should also hold accountable and also people who broke through the gate and run like sheep.
It was a very heartbreaking incident. Many kids died because of this. I hope they Rest In Peace.
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