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Showing posts from July, 2019

How to insert and change the header or footer in MS word?

You can insert predesigned headers and footers in your document and easily change the header and footer designs. Here are some of the steps to do it. Insert the same header and footer throughout a document 1. On the Insert tab, in the Header and Footer group, click Header or footer. 2. Click the header or footer design that you want. Remove the header or footer from the first page 1. On the Page Layout tab, click the Page Setup Dialog Box Launcher, and then click the layout tab. 2. Select the different first-page checkbox under Headers and Footers. "Header and footers are removed from the first page of the document." Make the headers or footers different for odd and even pages 1. On the Page Layout tab, the Page Setup dialog Box Launcher, and then click the Layout tab. 2. Select different odd and even checkbox. "Now you can insert the header or footer for even pages and the header or footer for odd pages on an odd page." Remove the header

How to insert Clip art in Ms PowerPoint?

Clipart is a sticker which is used in powerpoint to make in a document and make it more attractive. It shows the document well. Steps 1. Click the Insert Tab. 2. Click the Clip Art button. 3. Search for the clip art using the search Clip Art dialog box. 4. Select the graphic you would like to add. 5. To move the graphic, click it and drag it to where you want it. More:  WhatHowANS

What is mean by Patriotism? - Definition

Mother and Motherland are dearer than heaven. The Love of the country is incomparable. We love our motherland as dearly as our mother. This true love is called Patriotism. It is a great virtue. The patriotic people can't bear any hindrance of other countries. They strongly raise their voice against such activities. They are ready to sacrifice their lives and become martyrs for the nation. But nowadays, it is hard to find true patriots. Most people especially the politicians are selfish and deceptive. They give tall promises to the people. But as soon as they get the power, they forget their promise. They do everything just for them their family. Therefore, they are the enemies of the country. They are hated by all while the true patriots are widely praised and respected. All the countrymen worship them. They become immortal in all the generations. Patriotism is a great virtue. However, we can't ignore its dark sides. Extreme patriotism is really bad, which promotes indiv

What is Kite Flying? - Definition

Kite-Flying is a popular game. It is played in the autumn season. This season is fit for kite-flying, for it is neither much cold nor much hot. The harvesting season is over, and people have plenty of time at their disposal. Boys are very fond of kite-flying. Even grow-up men take part in it. The kite-flying season lasts two months. The kite is made of a square piece of paper. The paper is white or colored. there are two sticks pasted on this paper. One stick is straight and the other is curved. The straight stick is placed diagonally. The curved stick is placed nearly at the top of the straight stick, its ends touching two corners of the paper. The straight stick is tied with a piece of thread at two points just below its ends. This thread is joined to a long thread wound on a reel. The kite-flier holds the reel with his hands. He needs a helper for flying the kite. The helper catches the kite with his hand and goes to a long distance. He throws the kite up, and the flier pulls

What do you mean by Bounded media and Unbounded media? (Definition)

Bounded and unbounded media are the transmission media which is used to transfer data from one destination to another through its means. Bounded Media The transmission media which uses to transmit the signal/data/information from one to another is known as bounded media. The data transmit rate is faster than the unbounded media. Bounded media is used to transmit data/information in short distance. It uses twisted pair cable, coaxial cable, and fiber optic cable as transmission media. All the computer and devices are physically connected in bounded media. Unbounded media The transmission media which uses wireless to transmit data/information/signal from one to another is known as unbounded media. The data transmit rate is slower than the bounded media. It is used for transmitting the data/signal/information for long-distance. It uses radio wave/microwave/communication satellite as transmission media. All the computer and devices aren't physically connected. Bounded m

What is mean by Labour? (Definition)

Labour is a physical or mental effort of the human being in the process of production. It is an active factor of production. Actually, it is labour which in cooperation with the land makes production possible. Labour is also known as primary factors of production as its supplies are determined more or less outside the economic system itself. Features of labour 1. Labour cannot be separated from the labourer. = This peculiarity is found in labour alone. Other Factors of production like land and capital can be separated from its owner. But labourer cannot be separated from labour. 2. Labour is perishable = Goods can be stored and sold in the future at a high price. But this is not applicable for labour. If a worker does not work on a particular day, his labour for that day is wasted. Labour is thus perishable. 3. Labour is mobile = Capital is highly mobile. but certain types of capital in the form of factory buildings etc. are also immobile. Labour alone is a factor