What is Aerobic and Anaerobic reaction. Differences between Aerobic and Anaerobic reaction. These two reactions are different from each other.
Aerobic Reaction
Aerobic decomposition caused by both aerobic and facultative bacteria operating aerobically in presence of air or Oxygen which is available in wastewater in dissolved form is called Aerobic reactions. during this process, organic matter is broken up into non-objectionable and products like CO2, H2O, SO4, NO2, etc. This is the combination of work of aerobic bacteria and Oxygen. Example of aerobic reaction in Sewage treatment is oxidation pond trickling filter.
Anaerobic Reaction
It is caused by anaerobic bacteria as well as facultative bacteria operating anaerobically in the absence of air or Oxygen. The end products of anaerobic decomposition include black residue CH4, NH3, N2, etc. The anaerobic reaction in sewage treatment is taken in the septic tank, sludge, digestion tank. The end product of an anaerobic is likely to be odorous.
Differences between Aerobic Reaction and Anaerobic Reaction
Aerobic Reaction Anaerobic Reaction
1. Decomposition in presence of Oxygen. 1. Decomposition in absence of Oxygen.
2. Stable end product like CO2, H2o, etc. 2. Odorous and products like CH4, Nh3.
3. Examples: oxidation pond, aeration tank. 3. Examples: Septic tank, digestion tank.
2. Stable end product like CO2, H2o, etc. 2. Odorous and products like CH4, Nh3.
3. Examples: oxidation pond, aeration tank. 3. Examples: Septic tank, digestion tank.
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